Ironskulls 2 Goff Orruk Boogaloo

Goff Orruks

Fresh from this years French holiday a kitchen able being pretty much the coolest place to be sitting during the heat of the day I spent (some) of my time painting a first eBay project for a while.

I was originally going to paint the yellow ones featured recently for sale, but the process took too long for them to be a reasonable price and I decided to keep them and bought a 2nd set.

Goff Orruks Rear.JPG

Always planned to go with a classic scheme, and the state of the set of paints I keep in France forced my hand further. Modern GW paints really are awful pot wise, with over half my GW colours being unusable after a year of idleness. Some cheapo Revell brand ones were A OK, as were some of the original GW foundation paints that have been out there a decade now.

Palette limited as I was initially (there’s no stockists within 40 minutes drive) I settled on a nice classic scheme. Goff orcs have never formally been a thing in Warhammer, but then fantasy orcs of GW’s past have always had (sometimes) rusty metal armour and a palette of brown and red for the most part with little variation. Ageof Sigmar orruks on the other hand have embraced brighter tones with vibrant painted armour. Lacking vibrant colours I had to settle for impactful contrast, so Goffs it is!

A quick black spray (with a leaky GW can from 2007 which blew back enough paint through a leaky gasket to undercoat my entire hand too) and the base armour colour was in place, which could fool the naive into thinking the job was already near done. Check patterns were next and even though orcs can be a little forgiving here, you really do need to try hard to keep the lines straight and get the corners to align precisely. Highlighting that armour is a similarly precise job, highlight lines need to be even and straight followed by a razor line highlight along all the sharp edges, given I usually fail to be neat enough with that first highlight in some places I then mix a dark grey to tidy up and straighten that first highlight line and I then go in with black into the center of all the plates. So quite involved then.

It’s at this point that you -can- fairly say these models are “almost” done. A lick of metallic weathering and chainmail, brown for the leather, some green for the skin and some red accents and they were pretty much finished.

We’ll have to see if they sell, anyone interested (at the time of writing) can find them in the “Store” link at the top of the page.

Shadespire: A Review


Time for another review, where I delve in detail into Games Workshop’s slightly difficult to define boardgame, miniatures game, card game hybrid.

Well I’ve already written it off as tricky to define, but let’s endeavour to reach a conclusive categorization. It’s a board game. that’s what it looks like walks like and quacks like so although comparisons can certainly be drawn with games like X-Wing (or even Android: Netrunner), board game is the box I am going to unceremoniously dump it into.

It comes with a core set containing two boards which are double sided and connectible in a number of different ways. Two is the minimum required for a two player game, though the game can be played with 4 boards and 4 players. The accepted “standard” for competitive play is to change the boards each round and each player provides one of their own boards to make the battlefield. Also included is two warbands, one Stormcast Eternals and one Khornate Bloodbound and a massive pile of cards to build various variant Warbands. There’s also a collection of the necessary counters, objective markers and custom dice. This is certainly enough to get you started and in truth for the casual player it might be all you ever need.

Of course GW are counting on that being a rare edge case. There are as of the time of writing six additional warbands representing Skaven, Orruks, Skeletons, Dwarf Slayers, Armoured Khornate Warriors and more Stormcast equipped with crossbows. Each of these expansions comes with cards specific to their warband as well as plenty of generic cards that they or any other warband may use. Thus competitive players will want to buy all the expansions to get access to all the generic cards for their warband of choice.

So we’ve briefly touched on a few rules above, but let’s get into some details. Before you play each player needs to build a deck of cards to go with their warbands figures. The figures you take are always fixed named characters, and they each have a double sided card. One side shows their normal version, the reverse is an “inspired” upgraded type. How you flip the cards is different for each warband. Orruks are turned over when they take a wound, whereas Khorne Bloodbound  are all turned when 3 figures (from either side) have been killed for example.

Shadespire Objective Cards.jpg

There are three other types of card which a player uses, these are all kept hidden from your opponent until they are played or discarded. Objective cards of which you always have three in your hand (with replacements drawn as they are scored/discarded) are the means by which you win the game, they have a wide variety of forms, and score you different amounts of “glory” points dependent on how difficult they are to achieve. For example holding an objective at the end of a round  scores you one glory. By contrast wiping out an enemy warband might score you five glory. In addition to this, one glory is scored for every enemy fighter you manage to kill. A player’s deck must always contain exactly twelve of these cards. Glory not only helps you win the game, the counters you gain for each point are double sided and you may “spend” them and flip the counters to use the second type of the three cards in your hand…

Shadespire Upgrade Cards.jpg

Upgrade cards are played on fighters to enhance their abilities in many different ways, from making them hit harder, move faster or even score more glory from holding objectives till the bitter end. They cost glory to equip, many are generic, but some are limited to specific fighters. You must have a minimum of ten of these and you may not have more of them than the next and final card type.

Shadespire Ploy Cards.jpg

The third type are probably the most varied of all, ploy cards. These don’t cost glory to play, though their use is time limited in that you can only play them at specific times and circumstances as stipulated on the card. They may allow you to push a friendly or enemy fighter a hex or increase the damage of the next attack by a point or even bring a fighter back from the dead.

All these combined creates a warband’s deck. At the game’s start both players draw three objective cards and five power cards from the power deck (the upgrade and ploy decks combined and shuffled together). Once looked at, either player can mulligan their starting hand by discarding all their objective or power cards (or both) then redrawing.

As we’ve established a game is played across two connected boards. Once players have rolled off to set the boards position, type and orientation five objective markers are placed on the boards. These are numbered and placed face down before being turned over after placement to reveal their numbers. Players then take turns placing their figures on the board in their territory on one of the seven marked hexes. A roll off (with an advantage to the player that finished placing figures first decides who goes first as the main game begins.

Play is made up of three rounds of four activations for each player. During an activation a player may move, attack, go on guard or charge (with a charge being defined as a move action followed immediately by an attack action). A figure may only make one move or attack action per turn and may not be activated again if it charges. The stats for these actions are all listed on their cards although these can be tinkered with through ploys and upgrades as well as often changing when the figure becomes inspired.

After each action there is a power step in which both players take turns to play any ploys and upgrades they wish before proceeding to the next players activation.

Once both players have carried out their four activations and power steps there’s an end phase to tidy up the board, objective cards are scored and the received glory can be spent on upgrades, before cards are discarded/redrawn so both players have three objective and five power cards before going into the next round.

That’s pretty much the game. The depth is in the variety of cards which it’s difficult to get into as you could (and many have) write entire articles about the utility of certain cards.

So following a lengthy overview we come to the important opinion part of the article. Is the game any good?

In short yes, yes it is. It’s also quite a departure for GW for a number of reasons, first is the pretty low buy in costs. The core game is £40, but it’s not hard to find it for £30.00 online or in FLGS for those lucky enough to have one close by. The expansions are £17.50 in the UK (odd price as GW are still sniveling about a VAT rise nearly a decade ago and pick these prices (as far as I can tell) to make a “point”), elsewhere they seem to go for about £14.00. That means everything costs about £115.00 at the time of writing, I don’t think any other GeeDubz game gets anywhere near approaching that.

Second difference is it’s a properly supported “living” card game with proper expansions. Thus far it doesn’t look like it’s going to get dropped any time soon. That said it’s not actually on sale in the UK GW stores, but you can’t expect common sense from them on much for long. It’s also getting plenty of the “warm arts” support that any game needs with proper FAQs getting published and action taken when problems are found (more on this below).

Thirdly it’s trying and to a large extent succeeding in being a proper competitive game. Workshop are pulling out the stops with tournament support for the game with prize packs featuring alternate art cards, custom tokens and rather nice glass trophies. These tournaments seem to be generating a good spread of victors and warbands in the top spots. This is something they have been -terrible- at within recent memory, not only treating competitive play and players with contempt, but producing rule sets tailor made to hobble any serious competition.

Where it doesn’t differ from the GW norms is in it’s visual flare, the game looks great on the table, the figures are lovely and really pushing the envelope for push fit glueless figures. They do share the common modern GW fixation with dynamic poses over practicality in some places and some can be a pest to transport as a result (looking at you Skritch Spiteclaw). The boards are solidly made as are the cardboard counters. Although it doesn’t need scenery to play some enterprising after market players are already producing some nice ruin pieces you can use on the boards blocked hexes if you wish. The cards themselves are pretty nice, Games Workshop has partnered with Wizkids to manufacture these and they know their onions.

The game also benefits from it’s speed of play. With only twelve activations per game play positively whips along. As such competitive tournament play consists of a best of three games per tournament round, which in theory at least goes a long way to take luck out of the equation for both opponents.

Downsides other than the minor stuff touched on above there’s been nothing too egregious thus far. We’ve recently seen the biggest problem for competitive play be swiftly dealt with after a long predicted combo was finally realised after the latest wave of models enabled it and said combo utterly dominated a big tournament (as well as some smaller ones). It is unfortunate that it took these tournaments being cheapened somewhat to get the changes made (strictly speaking only firmly proposed at this time), given the combo was seen coming by all serious players long before the relevant cards were released.

The push fit nature of the figures does sometimes leave nasty gaps in obvious areas which need tackling, but most serious types will know how to handle that and the less serious ones won’t care.

Some warbands are most definitely harder to play than others. Larger tournaments have seen all but skeletons take the top spot at least once so far though, so a good player seems to mostly be able to work around these perceived problems.

I think all of the above negatives are extremely small and niggly problems (particularly as I’m far too incompetent to genuinely play any game competitively) GW have shown they have the will to address issues when they can. As such I’m happy to give the most hearty recommendation possible to Shadespire. It’s great as an entry level game for nervous painters and gamers looking to put their toe in the water, but balanced enough to give a challenge to old miserabilists like myself. Five Morat Stars.



Orkky with a touch of Stormcast

Vanguard Orcs Complete.JPG

Vanguard orcs ready for the table now after some hefty sidetracking (both painting and gaming) with Shadespire. We’ll have to see how they perform now they’ve had another (much needed) balancing pass. I really should find a way to up this to a full Kings of War army, but having to build custom movement trays will probably make it a job I put off essentially indefinitely.

Two more warbands painted for Shadespire. Steelheart’s Champions were already underway last post. They’re quite nice figures even if I don’t like what they stand for (having Space Marines in Fantasy).

Steelheart's Champions.JPG

Also remember I said I hate the Age of Sigmar orcs in yellow? Guess which colour I painted some Shadespire Orcs?

In short I think their yellow is far too bright. Also I wanted to try a strong airbrush zenithal highlight and colour modulation technique and these fellas get to be guinea pigs. Reasonably satisfied with the result, though I’m not sure what the colour modulation step (basecoat in pink then glaze with yellow) really brings to the table.

Shadespire does seem like a great game for painting then ebaying painted warbands. I’ve now got some Skaven on the table which I’ll do for that purpose specifically and we’ll see if they sell.

Next up those and I’ll do a proper Shadespire review as a separate article If the Citadel Air review metrics are anything to go by that’s the biggest draw for the blog!

Fantasy Skirmish Extravaganza

Something of a fantasy themed month, as I’ve painted pretty much completed two Factions with which to playtest Mantic’s upcoming Vanguard game. Plus a first faction for Games Workshop’s Shadespire boardgame/wargame/LCG.

I already had plenty of Basileans from the first Kings of War Kickstarter. They were a bit of a disappointment to most people as the Kickstarter’s success forced them to go elsewhere to get molds tooled and their first choice turned out to be unwise. The plastics had disappointingly soft detail as well as being poorly sculpted in some areas the early PVC stuff too also suffered from some odd proportions, although the detail was sharp and moldlines were easier to remove than on their later PVC efforts. Distortions were a big thing though with none of the PVC models (all but the Men-at-Arms with spears in the big group photo above) going together without generous application of the hairdryer. My later experimentations with my Bitzbox to make the War Wizard and crossbows have got me thinking I could probably use some spare High Elf parts to fix some of the glaring issues on the Men-at-Arms. That said all of the above is being replaced when Vanguard is eventually released anyway so does it really matter?

Orcs on the other hand are not part of the initial Vanguard releases so these chaps are a lot more future proofed. As such I’ve put a lot more effort into them. They’re a mix of The plastics for Kings of War and some re-based figures from the Dungeon Saga range. They seem to draw mixed opinions as miniatures, but they remind me of late eighties/early nineties Games Workshop sculpts (although they’re better detailed than that) and that to me is a good thing. Gone for a nice contrasty blue on the clothes as I think red on orcs is overdone and that yellow GW is doing on their recent orcs is bloody horrible! Still one more to go on these guys as they need a leader shouldn’t be long now.

Shadespire Garrek's.JPG

Which brings us to the above and the first GW figures I’ve painted for myself in a few years. Shadespire seems to be doing pretty well at my local club and it’s drastically different to Vanguard in nearly every way. I’d abandoned ship well before Age of Sigmar killed off a lot of people’s interest in Workshop (in their fantasy range at least). They’re doing much better on the whole now and this game is still pretty well balanced 8 factions and a year in and most surprising of all the pricing is really very reasonable. Expect a comprehensive review once I’ve actually played the thing.

Some thoughts on Enforcers

Deadzone Enforcers

Bit of a change of pace and subject matter from the norm with some thoughts on the universe of Mantic’s Deadzone:


So Enforcers, everyone’s favorite faceless, emotionless, amoral, asset amelioration solution.
Some would call them inhuman, but is that actually true?
Are they, perhaps, Cyborgs?
Well I know what you’re thinking, obviously Pathfinders are human(ish). Hard to argue against that, but their battlefield role demands they operate well outside supply lines where power outlets for armour (or indeed a big clanky mechanical body) aren’t going to be reliably available.
Perhaps the Pathfinder role is the first job an Enforcer takes on before being uploaded into armour.
We know they don’t seem to retire, (at least not in public) and only officers ever show their “faces” (perhaps a robocop style appliance). Forcing open an Enforcer armour suit reveals only dust inside the articulated plates as the internals (be they human or biomechanical) are scuttled.
The proportions on Enforcers are suspect in a number of ways. The Knee joints seem barely sufficient to fit a leg into (impossible in the case of the “early” Mks of Enforcer armour). The heads too seem very small, perhaps just possible to squeeze a human head into, but leaving little actual armour on what’s perhaps the critical point. The arms are very long and this is taken to the greatest extreme with Peacekeeper armour. They’re incredibly broad of shoulder (far more so than the already super buff Pathfinders) yet the arms are still very nearly down to the knees if straightened as well as being pretty spindly. If there is a human in there, their arms are not in the suits arms.
This hypothesis would also explain why there appears to be female Pathfinders but no female Enforcers or Peacekeepers
Lt Commander Roca is sticking point for this hypothesis, however he’s a Forward Observer and that armour has much more substantial knees and a bigger helm that does look like it could contain a human.
There’s another possibility beyond surgical brain extraction and artificial bodies. Perhaps Enforcers are closer to Asterian Cyphers (or probably more likely Marionettes). Thus any Enforcer can fight as a Pathfinder when required or be wired up in orbit and connect to an Enforcer suit planetside.
So what do we think? Is this a conspiracy? A cover up? Are humanities finest warriors not human at all? I think we should be told.